Aloe tak, ako bolo
šľané prírodou.

Forever Living je najväčším pestovateľom Aloe Vera a výrobcom produktov z Aloe Vera na svete. Sme experti, sme skutočná Aloe Vera spoločnosť.
Oddali sme sa hľadaniu tých najlepších zdrojov prírody pre zdravie a krásu a zdieľame ich so svetom. Vo Forever kombinujeme čisté Aloe Vera s prírodnými a vedecky potvrdenými zložkami, špeciálne vybranými na doplnenie a zvýšenie účinkov Aloe.

Od rastliny cez produkt až k vám.

Kontrolujeme celý proces od chvíle, keď je naša rastlinka Aloe vysadená do zeme, až kým sa nedostane na vaše ruky.
Vlastníme pôdu, na ktorej Aloe rastie. Naše Aloe je zozbierané a rezané ručne, aby bolo z vnútorného listu možné jemne extrahovať gél a poskytnúť vám ten najčistejší a najčerstvejší Aloe Vera gél. Je asepticky spracované už počas zberu, aby sa v ňom zachovala čerstvosť.
Počas nášho výrobného procesu, vykonávame viac ako 1,4 milióna kvalitatívnych testov za rok, aby ste si mohli vychutnať silu Aloe Vera, tak ako to bolo prírodou zamýšľané. Predstavte si, že rozkrojíte list Aloe a gél konzumujete priamo z rastliny.
Naše Aloe výrobky boli prvé, ktoré dostali oficiálne schválenie od Aloe Science Council za obsah a čistotu. Medzi výhody patrí podpora zdravého trávenia, podpora zdravého imunitného systému, pomoc pri udržaní prirodzenej energetickej hladiny a zubné zdravie a hygiena.

O Dr. Rodrigue

An effective leader who is fluent in English, French and Mandarin, is a Forever Business Owner, that excels at streamlining operations to decrease costs and promote organizational efficiency, offering a hardworking mentality, a history of success, coordinating and monitoring daily work progress across various departments, highly committed to ensuring the quality of services and products. I have heard about this company since 2002, but I didn’t explore its offerings until 2023, when my brother introduced me to it. Initially, I was hesitant and even skeptical. However, my brother spoke highly of the company’s products, emphasizing their efficiency and positive impact on people's lives by enhancing overall well-being. He shared his personal experience with me. He had been suffering from ulcers, which made consuming spicy foods painful and troublesome. Despite numerous visits to the hospital, the condition persisted. However, after he began using this company’s products, he experienced remarkable improvement. For the first time in years, he could eat spicy food without any discomfort. His satisfaction with the results was profound, which led me to reconsider my initial stance. Given my brother’s positive experience, I decided to give the products a try, trusting his judgment. I had been dealing with high blood pressure and was advised by my mentor to first purchase a blood pressure monitor to track my levels before starting any new regimen. The plan was to measure my blood pressure, incorporate the company’s products and regular exercise into my routine, and then reassess my condition after two weeks. I diligently measured my blood pressure over several days, and the readings were consistently high. However, after incorporating the company’s products into my routine, along with regular physical activity, I observed a dramatic improvement. Within two weeks, my blood pressure levels significantly normalized, and the results were nothing short of extraordinary. Since then, I decided to join the company as an official distributor and become a business owner, with the goal of not only selling its products but also expanding this opportunity to many others. I invite you to be part of this journey. Experience the benefits for yourself, and you will see the remarkable results.

Povedzte mi viac!

O čom sa zaujímate?
Produkty Firma Obe
Zadaním vašich kontaktných údajov súhlasíte s tým, že dostanete naše marketingové ponuky v súlade s našimi  Zásady ochrany súkromia.

Purists will love Forever Aloe Vera Gel© made with 99.7% pure inner leaf aloe vera.

  • Žiadne pridané konzervačné látky
  • Podporuje zdravé trávenie
  • Podporuje zdravý imunitný systém
  • Podporuje vstrebávanie živín
  • Pomáha udržiavať prirodzenú energetickú hladinu.
  • Vhodné pre vegánov
  • Vhodné pre vegetariánov
  • Bezlepkové

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